We are planning to do a series of Vlogs, one after each shoot date to follow the progress of the project. In each episode we will do a breakdown of the costs per the highlighted shoot and include a running total for the entire production. It is our aim to show how much you can do with virtually no budget. Each new vlog will be posted on the main page. Once a new vlog is uploaded the previous one will find a home here, via a link to Vimeo. We love to hear feedback so please use the contact form.
Vlog 1 - The Dungeon https://vimeo.com/165814024
Vlog 2 - The Void vimeo.com/166145712
Vlog 3 - The Forge and Croft vimeo.com/173572611
Vlog 4 - Tiverton vimeo.com/179529094
Vlog 2 - The Void vimeo.com/166145712
Vlog 3 - The Forge and Croft vimeo.com/173572611
Vlog 4 - Tiverton vimeo.com/179529094